Academic Calendar
Video Lectures
माननीय कुलपति आचार्य संजय सिंह द्वारा प्रेरणादायी
विडियो: "स्वस्थ जीवन का आधार - सूर्यनमस्कार"
Lecture on Avenues in Home Science
for Self Reliance
Lecture on Diet and Lifestyle
to Combat COVID - 19
Lecture on Human Ecology
and Family Sciences
Lecture on Understanding
ORAC for immunity
Lecture on Climate change adaptation - I
(Title: Action by Developed Countries Key Issues)
Lecture on Climate change adaptation - II
(Title: Adoptation Component in India)
Lecture on Climate change remediation
(Title: Agriculture Ecoloy and Food Sequrity)
Lecture on Climate change mitigation
(Title: Climate Change Remidial and Mitigation Measure)
Lecture on Ecological Agriculture
(Title: Ecological agriculture)
Lecture on Assembler: MCA Sem II
(Title of Paper: System Programming Topic: Assembler)
Lecture on Loader and Loading Schemes:
MCA Sem II(Title of Paper: System Programming)
Paper Compiler Design MCA IV Sem
Topic Three address Codes-Quadruples and Triples
Lecture on how to prepare
Pre Negotiation Dept of Political Science
Lecture on Pre Negotiation conditions
Dept of Political Science
Lecture on Track Two Diplomacy
Dept of Political Science
Lecture on DS-201 Dept of Sociology
Lecture on Library 2.0 Information
Sources and Services (BLIS IInd Sem)
Lecture on INFLIBNET MLIS-2O4 (A) II Sem
Dept of (Library & Information Science)
Lecture on Pass ll of Two Pass Assembler:
MCA : Sem-II (Title Of Paper: System Programming)
Lecture on Peacemaking, Peacekeeping &
Peacebuilding(Dept of Political Science)
Skills of Citation Management Part-I
Dept of (Library & Information Science)
Skills of Citation Management Part-II
Dept of (Library & Information Science)
bhakti kal ka uday evam pramukh
kavi MA II, DHN-101 Dept of Hindi
Lecture on Ramcharitmanas
ek punarvichar Dept of Hindi
Lecture on Monotone Convergence
Theorem : MS-201 Dept of Statistics
Lecture on Dominated Convergence
Theorem : MS-201 Dept of Statistics
Lecture on Accessing OPACs and
Union Catalogues MLIS-201
Lecture on Information Retrieval
Features of OPACs BLIS-205
Lecture on Ambedkar Meri Nazar Me
Dept of Political Science
Lecture on Optimization and Computation
techniques MSOE 201
Lecture on First and Follow Sets
in Top down parsers(Computer Science)
Lecture on Buddhist Perspective of
Peace : An Introduction Part-1(Political Science)
Lecture on how to parse a string
using Predictive Parser
Lecture on Buddhist perspective
of peace 3(Political Science)
Lecture on Interrelationship between
science technology and Human Rights
Lecture on Right to Information
and Judiciary Lec 1(Human Rights)
Lecture on Right to Information
and Judiciary contd (Human Rights)
Lecture on MIT103: Digital
Communication & Computer Networks