University Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre

Prof. B.C. Yadav

In-Charge, USIC


The University Grant’s Commission desires that every Central University must have Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre. The creation of such center is becoming obligatory for every university for the reasons that the modern day science demands the use of the precision equipment for the acceptability of the data. Such centers on one hand helps stop the duplication of the sophisticated equipment, which costs huge amounts of money and in turn helps in regulating the use of the sanctioned money in most judicious ways

The University Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre (USIC) is established as a central facility and housed in the ground floor of the School for Environmental Science building. Its main objective is to provide services to all faculty, researchers and students of various departments in the University. This facility is also made available to the outside research as students on payment basis. Training programs and workshops/seminars are organized regularly for faculties, researchers and students to use and application of various instruments and analytical techniques for awareness among the users. The USIC has the following equipment.:

  • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Model: JSM 6490 LV, Make: JEOL, Japan
  • X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Model:D8 Advance Eco, Make: Bruker, Germany
  • Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (ILSCM), Model: LSM900, Make: Zeiss,Germany
  • Preparative HPLC, Model: LC-20AP, Make: SHIMADZU, Japan
  • Fast Performance Liquid Chromatograph (FPLC),Model: AKTA 10, Make: GE-Healthcare Bio-Science, Hong Kong
  • Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer (FTIR), Model: Nicole 6700, Make: Thermo-Scientific, USA
  • Apart from the above equipment the following minor equipment are available in USIC:

  • High Speed Centrifuge Machine (CM12-Plus Remi)
  • Vortex Mixer (CM101-Plus Remi)
  • Double Distillation Unit
  • Hot Air Oven, Deep Freezer (-40oC)
  • Electrophoresis, UV Lamp
  • Ultrasonic cleaner
  • Microwave oven
  • Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plat
  • Photoresist Spinner
  • Research Microscope and Refrigerator
  • Downloads

    Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer (FTIR) of Thermo-Scientific (Nicole 6700)
    Fast Performance Liquid Chromatograph (FPLC) of GEHealthcare Bio-Science (AKTA 10)
    Scanning Electron Microscope of JEOL (JSM 6490 LV)