
Overview of the Cell

An Intellectual Property Right Cell/ Patent Cell has been established in the University under the guidance of the Vice Chancellor to coordinate the activities concerning to the Intellectual Property and manage the filing of patents by Faculty/Staff of the University comprising copyrights and other related matters.


  • Awareness-building and guidance to academic and non-academic personnel on the university’s policies and regulations relating to intellectual property rights and responsibilities under the IPR policy system
  • To encourage academic freedom and, where applicable, protect the interests of the inventor in the production and marketing of intellectual property with legal support
  • Develop an attitude of cautious IP management practices to construct an atmosphere for the acquisition of new information through creativity and foster an IPR culture consistent with the educational mandate of the university
  • Procedure for IP Creation

  • Start from preliminary stage of formulation any problem preparation of project proposal to ensure noveltyPatent Search
  • Record Keeping

  • All data related to research work and details of creation should be systematically recorded in the respective department under the facilities ascertained by HOD

  • Submission of the invention disclosure to Chairperson/Member secretary, Patent Cell
  • Immediately after recognition of creation, it should be supported quickly using the prescribed invention disclosure form
  • Chairperson/Member secretary, Patent Cell is responsible for the execution of recommendation of PCC Implementation of decision of patenting through recommendation of Patent Cell committee (PCC)
  • Institute support for drafting and filing of IP application

  • Essential support for drafting and filing of IP application of novel creation work will be provided by university if it chooses to protect the invention