Keeping with the vision and mission of the Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU), Lucknow, the Central Library was established in January 1998 to promote knowledge through its effective dissemination of information resources. The Central Library of BBAU has named as Gautam Buddha Central Library after the name of Lord Gautam Buddha. The Library is governed by LAC (Library Advisory Committee). The LAC is apex policy making body which functions under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor. The library acts as learning resource centre of the University to supplement education and information needs of the faculty and students. The Library has been played a key role in generation, preservation and communication of knowledge for education and research of the university. It provides information services and facilities to meet requirement of the teaching, training and research programmes. The seating capacity of the Library is more than 400 users at a time. The library services are also open to the University staff and visitors. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been changed at very fast pace. Development of ICT has great impacted on libraries all over the world. The Central Library has been adapting new technologies including RFID system, smart library card, self-check-in kiosk, hybrid security gate, library automation with Koha open source, library website, institutional repository, IRINS, ILMS, remote access, e-resources etc.for providing web-based information services to the library users. The Library is, member of 'E-Shodhsindhu' National Consortium for Higher Education Electronic Resources of INFLIBNET (Information and Library Network), Gandhinagar
The Library has been functioning in its state-of-the-art constructed four storied centrally air-conditioned building which is the central place of the University. The Library building consists of an area of 7917
Opening Hours
The Library remains open on each working day from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM for its readers. On Saturday and Sunday (during exam period), it also opens from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM. The reading rooms of the Library open from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM and during examination period it opens 18 hours in a day
The Library has following sections and facilities
- Acquisition Section:This section is responsible for the acquisition of all the books, monographs, government documents, gifts and other reading material relevant to the requirements of teaching and research programs of the university. The section helps the faculty members in selecting the new documents for procurement in the library through the latest announcements, publisher's catalogues and bibliographies.
- Technical Section:After acquisition of the documents, the technical processing work i.e. classification and cataloguing for easy retrieval of the documents through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is done by technical section. The classification of documents is carried out by using DDC 23rdedition
- Circulation section:The section provides membership to the students, faculty and other staff of the University. The books are issued to the library users according to their privileges on all working days. The student can use self-check in check-out facilities through RFID Kiosk
- Periodical section: In the section, periodical publications, newspapers, and magazines are displayed for users. The section has a seating capacity of 50 students at a time where they have offline access to periodicals, various reports, faculty publication, magazines, newspapers, etc
- Cyber/e-Library Section:The strength of the section is 50 computers, presently a total of 25 computers with the facility of access to the Internet are functioning. The Library has Wi-Fi enabled access to the Internet where the users access the e-resources. The students are allowed to use their Laptops and Tablets in the sections
- Thesis Section:A separate section for theses and dissertations is located at 2nd floor of the library for research scholars and faculty. The section also uploads PhD theses on the Shodhganga of INFLIBENT Centre
- Braille Section:The Library is well equipped with the facilities for the PWDs (Person with Disabilities i.e.Divyangjan) students and staff. The Library provides them reading and listening facility in their studies with the help of brailleequipment, computer hardware and software. The Braille section also opens for the students/people from the other universities and colleges
- Reprography or Xeroxing:The Library provides Xerox facilities in the library premises at a nominal cost of Rs. 0.80 per page through private firm. Printout from digital files has also been provided through this service
- RFID System:Radio-frequency identification (RFID) along with Electromagnetic (EM) system has been implemented in the Central Library.The Libraryis well equipped with the RFID and EM system for library automation and security of the documents.
- Smart ID cum Library CardSystem:The library prepares smart cards those are essential for all the library users for self-issue-return of documents in the RFID system. Now, the Library has been preparing Smart ID cum Library cards for the students and faculties of the University which is considered as the best practice of the University.
- Library Website:The Library has developed its website which is accessible through All the e-resources and services of the Library have been integrated with the website for easy access to the users
- BBAU Institutional Repository:Institutional Repository of BBAU has been developed by covering of research publications of BBAU in the form of articles, thesis, dissertations, annual reports, etc. The library userscan access the repository from the library website i.e.
- INFED Remote Access System:The off-campus remote access service is provided to the faculty members and students to seamlessly access of subscribed scholarly electronic resources from outside the University campus. Username and password have been provided to all the faculty members and students to access the resources 24/7 through
- IRINS:This is web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service of INFLIBNET which is implemented by the Library for BBAU faculty membersto collect, curate and showcase the scholarly communication activities
- ILMS:: INFLIBNET Learning Management Service (ILMS) is implemented at BBAU as e-Learning management system. It provides pre-populated learning content, derived from e-PG Pathshala: A Gateway to PG Courses, as per the prevailing guidelines of UGC.
- Library Web-OPAC:The Library is automated through Koha ILM open source. The library collections are accessible through OPAC/Web-OPAC from
- Plagiarism Detection Tools:The Library provides facility for checking plagiarism throughUrkund/Ouriginal and Turnitin iThenticateantiplagiarism software in theses and other publications of the academic fraternityof the University
- Toppers’ Corner:This service is unique in its nature. The answer sheets of the students, who are the topper in their department, are kept in this section for the consultation by the library users.
Other Important Facilities and services available in the Library:
- Document Delivery Service
- Hindi Prakosth
- Email Alert
- Online E-resources Access service
- Reference service
- Separate Research Floor for faculties and Scholars
- New Arrival
- Display of the Latest Faculty Publication
- Information Literacy Program, etc