
The hon’ble Vice Chancellor of the BBAU, Lucknow constituted the Institutional Ethics Committee to review and monitor all the ethical aspects of research/ projects and Proposals on Biomedical research involving human samples/ participants, at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow as per Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines for the period of three years through vide order number 55/IEC/BBAU/19 date 15th October, 2019.


The IEC, BBAU is responsible for reviewing research involving human participants at this institution, to ensure that subjects' safety, rights, and welfare are protected in conformity with applicable regulations and guidelines issued by the ICMR Indian state and local laws and regulations where such laws or regulations provide protection for human subjects that exceed the protection afforded under national law.


The basic responsibility of IEC is to ensure a competent review of all ethical aspects of the project proposals received by it in an objective manner. IEC shall provide advice to the researchers on all aspects of the welfare and safety of the research participants after ensuring the scientific soundness of the proposed research through appropriate Departmental Research Committee of the University. The mandate of the committee will be to review all research projects involving human subjects/materials to be conducted in different departments at the University. The Committee will review all research proposals involving human subjects, submitted by faculty members and research students (through their respective Supervisors). Each investigator shall be responsible, for proving the benefit of placing human subjects at risk, and assure the review committee about appropriate Informed Consent Process and Subject Confidentiality. All studies need to be approved before the study procedures begin andprovide details of primary data/secondary data/stored samples/cell lines/ Buying data to the review committee in her/his presentation; also assure the review committee about appropriate IC process & subject confidentiality before the commencement of the study. No completed studies or those already being pursued will be reviewed by the Ethics Committee