Dept of Law

Head of the Department

Prof. Sudarshan Verma

 Phone: 9415470836,

The Department of Law started from Session 2008-09 within the School of Legal Studies offering four-Semester LL.M, Ph.D. and BBA LL.B. (H) programmes

The main objective of the Department is to impart legal education and to bring the students into social and legal services, make them self-employed and also get them placement in various governmental and nongovernmental organizations

The Department of Law offers a two-year LL.M. Program spread over four semesters and offers specialization in Environmental Law, Administrative Law, Intellectual Property Rights and Criminal Law. The LL.M. program is designed to inculcate research skills and analytical abilities in students. In addition to classroom training imparted through innovative teaching methods, the LL.M. program is focused on self-learning and research conducted by the students under the guidance of the esteemed faculty members.

The Department of Law, School of Legal Studies offers a full-time Ph.D. programme under the guidance and supervision of esteemed and eminent faculty members. The Ph.D. programme provides for constant guidance and support to the research scholars in order to enhance the quality of their research and to encourage innovative research. The primary thrust of the Ph.D. research has been in the areas of Constitutional Law, Law and Governance, Environmental Law, Intellectual Property Law, Criminal Law, Cyber Law and Law, Science and Technology.

BBA LL.B. (H) is a five years integrated Under-Graduate programme run by Department of Law with the objective to provide world class education in the field of Law and management. Wherein the students are taught subjects related to Law and Business Administration. The course is comprehensive and multidimensional, which has always been intrinsically connected with the issues of public governance and are of human and social significance. Customized efforts are directed to bridge the gap between subjects in books and in practice. As part of a Bachelor of Business Administration BBA.LL.B.(H) course students are taught Commerce subjects such as Principles and Practice of Management, Managerial Economics, Computer Applications, Effective Communication etc. Our aim is to equip students to participate in providing good governance in democratic tradition and outshine the competition in all aspects of life. As part of an integrated B.B.A.LL.B. (H) Course, aspirants are taught various topics by means of classroom teaching, case studies and moot courts


The department provides a three tier grievance redressal mechanism for students regarding their grievances concerning evaluation of the examination copies, firstly with the concerned subject teacher, secondly, if not satisfied, they may complain to the Head of Department who shall resolve the issue through the departmental committee. Lastly, if not satisfied, they may complain to the Dean


The library of the Department of Law was established in the session 2008-09. It has over 5000 books and a large number of law reports, journals and magazines. The library caters to the needs of students and researchers engaged in legal studies. The Department is wi-fi enabled and number of online and offline databases are subscribed by the University in various subjects


The Department has a Legal Aid Clinic to provide legal services to needy people and to the deprived sections of society. These extension programmes are the integral part of the academic programmes of the Department. Due place is given to Legal aid clinic and students are encouraged to participate in it