Dept of HR

Head of the Department

Prof. Shashi Kumar

 Phone: 9621437691,

Department of Human Rights conducts post-graduate teaching and research programmes in the areas relating to Human Rights and Law and aims at recommending appropriate measures for enforcing human rights and securing ends of justice through legal and democratic processes. Presently, the Department is running Ph.D. and LL.M. courses. The total number of students in Ph.D. course on date is 10; LL.M. Course is 41 during the session 2022-23 out of which number of open category students is 19 (03 EWS and 01 PH) and students belonging to SC/ST category are 19 and Paid Seats students belong to Open category are 08. In Ph.D. course there is a one semester Pre-Ph.D. Research Course Work for the scholars. Besides Research Methodology-I & II, two Advance Papers are also offered as compulsory papers. LL.M. course consists of four semesters spanning in two years. Students have to opt four papers in each semester and one paper opt from other department under CBCS scheme. These papers cover many local, national, regional and global curriculums. The syllabus of LL.M. course has an inter-disciplinary approach. The LL.M. course is in tune with the prime concerns of legal aid, advocacy, social justice, community services and governance. The students are encouraged to apply their knowledge of the subject in the real life situations. Besides dissertation writing on relevant issues of law and human rights, the students have to present ten seminars (one Mega Seminar based on empirical study) on different topics covering many national, regional and global issues of law and human rights as a compulsory part of the course work in the Third Semester.