Dept of HDFS

Head of the Department

Prof. Shalini Agarwal

 Phone: 9411195938,

The Department of Human Development and Family Studies came into existence under School of Home Science in the year 2007. The Department is functioning with an aim to prepare enthusiastic professionals and leaders by grooming the students holistically through exposure to wide spectrum of knowledge. The Department offers a two year instructional post graduate programme leading to a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Human Development and Family Studies and M.Sc. in Food Science & Technology and Ph.D. Programme. Empowering students to successfully pursue career in their field and or proceed to advance research studies or take up entrepreneurial ventures is the prime aim of these programmes. The curriculum of the programmes is periodically revised to keep pace with the contemporary changes and development programmes of the Nation. The faculty of the Department comprises of one Professor, one Associate Professor and three Assistant Professors from diverse fields of specialization, who are instrumental in imparting high standard of education to the students. The Department aims to create an academically vibrant and student friendly atmosphere. Workshops, Seminars, Field visits, Laboratory experiments, Internship and Research are integral part of its curriculum. Students are also encouraged to participate in various extracurricular and sports events to ensure their overall development. The Department trains and strengthens the students to enhance their self sufficiency and over all development for their future success